Which names are more cat-like, dog-like, and human-like?
Random graphs
Jonatan Pallesen
March 27, 2019
The tidytuesday data set has a large number of pet names from Seattle. A data set with human names can be easily acquired from the Tidyverse package babynames.
I investigate which names are more typical of pets compared to humans, and which names are more typical of humans compared to pets.
plotg(ranks, catdog_rank, human_rank, catdog_human_diff, name) +labs(x ="More pet-like name", y ="More human-like name", title ="Pet names vs human names")
plotg(ranks, dog_rank, cat_rank, dog_cat_diff, name) +labs(x ="More dog-like name", y ="More cat-like name", title ="Dog names vs cat names")